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Camp Friends is serious comedy music. Created by Jack Voorhies and John Fulton in 2017, their debut EP "Sophomoric" was released in 2018 and premiered live in LA in September. Their 1st full length album is called Singalongs and their new EP is set for release this summer. Stream CampFriends wherever you listen to music. 





Gustavus is a "serious" side project with Jack and John. Their debut single is called "vertigo".

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The Fresh (2003-2011) was a comedy band from LA with Kurt Morgan, Dean Mucetti, John Fulton and Jack Voorhies. Listen to their debut album here and at iTunes.


Tinder! The Musical written by John Fulton and Adam Marcinowski. Dir. by John Kaiser

I Saw you Trip! from 9" which is Jessie Schniederman and John Fulton. Dir. by John Kaiser

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